Bagaimana saya bisa memulai opsi perdagangan saham Kunjungi PowerStore dan ambil salinan buku terbaru kami tentang investasi Naked Put atau kursus studi mandiri kami yang mencakup investasi puttoll yang sudah usang. Kami di sini untuk mengajar dan membimbing Anda dengan webinar, tutorial, tip, sesi pelatihan, publikasi, statistik, dan glosarium. Broker pilihan saya memiliki alat-alat penelitian pilihan namun mereka tidak cukup baik. Alat kami dibangun oleh investor mandiri untuk investor mandiri. Kami telah menghabiskan lebih dari 19 tahun membangun setiap alat yang Anda perlukan untuk menemukan, membandingkan, menganalisis, dan mengelola perdagangan opsi Anda. Kami menunjukkan analisis opsi, pengembalian dan gagasan manajemen yang tidak dilakukan oleh broker Anda. Kami menggunakan alat ini untuk berdagang setiap hari - dan tidak akan bermimpi melakukan perdagangan tanpa PowerOptions. Beberapa jam telah berlalu sejak sesi pelatihan saya dengan Mike, dan setelah meninjau kembali informasi yang disampaikannya kepada saya, saya dapat dengan jujur mengatakan, bahwa sudah menghabiskan waktu dengan baik. Mike tidak hanya memiliki pengetahuan lengkap tentang produk yang dia wakili, dia juga memiliki kemampuan luar biasa untuk menyampaikan pengetahuannya, dengan sangat jelas dan pengertian. Sebagai seorang eksekutif perusahaan Kanada yang baru saja pensiun, saya menghargai orang-orang baik seperti Mike di perusahaan saya dan di perusahaan lain. Ernie - Anda memiliki penjaga, individu unik ini sulit ditemukan - baik untuk Anda Anda dapat menemukan hasil terbaik. Alat kami dapat membantu Seiring dengan rangkaian lengkap materi pendidikan dan dukungan pelanggan bebas pulsa premium, PowerOptions menyediakan data penting yang perlu Anda investasikan dengan opsi saham. Teknologi SmartSearchXLreg yang telah dipatenkan kami tidak tersedia di tempat lain. Cara terbaik untuk Menemukan, Membandingkan, Menganalisis, dan Menghasilkan Uang Di Perdagangan Opsi Saham. PowerOptionsreg adalah satu-satunya penyedia data berbasis internet yang memberi investor SmartSearchXLreg, teknologi pendukung keputusan yang dipatenkan yang mengidentifikasi perdagangan opsi dengan return tertinggi. PowerOptions menawarkan kemudahan dan kontrol yang diperlukan untuk secara otomatis menyortir, menyaring dan menganalisa semua 4.500 saham pilihan dan 860.000 opsi online untuk menemukan investasi guna memenuhi tujuan keuntungan Anda. Hanya PowerOptions yang mengumpulkan data penting yang tepat waktu, analisis ekstensif, dan pilihan informasi yang komprehensif. Semua alat online yang Anda butuhkan untuk keunggulan kompetitif. Plus uji coba gratis 14 hari, panduan pengguna online yang mudah, dukungan bebas pulsa, dan Jaminan Kinerja PowerOptions kami. Lima alasan mengapa Anda memerlukan PowerOptionsreg: Menghasilkan Uang Lebih Banyak - Data dan alat yang Anda perlukan untuk memeras lebih banyak uang dari portofolio saham Anda. Investasikan Aman - Data penting yang penting yang Anda butuhkan untuk melakukan lindung nilai terhadap portofolio saham Anda terhadap kerugian di pasar yang tidak dapat diprediksi ini. Berinvestasi lebih cerdas - Data yang Anda butuhkan untuk membuat keputusan yang cepat, jelas, dan tepat. Anda bisa berdagang dengan yakin bahwa Anda telah menemukan investasi terbaik. Hemat Waktu - Tidak perlu membuang waktu untuk mengunyah angka. Dengan beberapa klik cepat PowerOptions melakukan semuanya untuk Anda, disajikan dalam tabel untuk perbandingan yang mudah. Prioritas Pertama Kami Adalah Anda - Kami memberikan dukungan pelanggan premium untuk nomor bebas pulsa untuk menjawab pertanyaan Anda. Jaminan Kinerja PowerOptions Komitmen kami terhadap kesuksesan finansial Anda. 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Masih terlihat perusahaan dengan potensi multibagger. Orang-orang yang tertarik dengan workshop Mumbai kami yang akan datang, juga layanan topi kecil premium mengisi formulir di bawah ini. Untuk bantuan melakukan pendeteksian Ujjal pada 9831291631 atau dip di 9007652301. Perbaikan efisiensi operasional dengan pengurangan biaya tenaga kerja dan bahan baku (sehingga meningkatkan margin ebidta). Menjadi co 70 thn tua. Kekuatan utama cos menawarkan berbagai macam produk amp merancang dan menyesuaikan produk sesuai dengan kebutuhan klien. Menyediakan produk amp untuk hampir semua perusahaan Fortune 500. Meningkatkan pangsa pasar dan pangsa pasar di segmen Pertahanan Kereta Api, meningkatkan biaya RampD untuk mengembangkan dan mengenalkan produk berbasis teknologi baru dan dengan demikian memperbaiki penerapan lini produk baja, gula, tekstil, semen, energi dan lain-lain. Mencoba untuk kembali ke bisnis pertahanan dimana kami 15 tahun yang lalu. Menantikan hasil yang lebih baik di Q3 dan Q4 karena arus masuk yang bagus untuk (pabrik Mysore untuk transformer pengisi minyak) dan pertumbuhan yang terlihat di sektor-sektor tersebut di atas. Mendapatkan pesanan (revenue) bukan menjadi masalah bagi co, tujuan utamanya adalah untuk mengurangi hutang modal kerja dan biaya beban bunga amp memperbaiki jaringan distributor. Pesanan pertahanan tertentu berada di tahap L1 (penawar terendah dalam tender). Mengharapkan pasar yang besar untuk energi terbarukan di India. Eksekutif top mgt Cos telah berkeliling dan bertemu dengan perusahaan pembangkit listrik. Co akan mengajukan penawaran untuk proyek Water Grid (skema irigasi - menyediakan air minum dari berbagai sungai di dekat AP ke semua kota yang beragam) dan mengharapkan untuk mendapatkan pesanan senilai 50 Cr di negara bagian Telengana untuk memasok 1000200 Voltase Pump Pump tinggi dan rendah 12 Lac masing-masing). Eksekusi akan hadir di Q3 amp Q4. Baru-baru ini, co telah mendapat pesanan proyek surya senilai 60 Cr. Ini adalah peluang terbesar bagi pertumbuhan pendapatan. Restrukturisasi dilakukan dengan bank pada tahun 2014 untuk modal kerja dan kenaikan biaya modal. Co telah secara bertahap mengurangi Deposito (24 Cr) dan ICD (22 Cr). Buatlah perusahaan bebas hutang selama periode waktu tertentu dengan membuang aset real estat non inti dari co. Di Hubli dari 100 hektar di dekat bandara hubli, awalnya memesan 20 Cr, yang akan menjemput mereka 120cr (menunggu persetujuan dari pemerintah negara bagian untuk mengatasi krisis), Mysore - 5 situs senilai sekitar 50 Cr, ruang Kantor Regional di Delhi, Hyd , Pune, Bglr dll (model kemungkinan untuk diadopsi oleh co adalah membuang dan dibawa kembali berdasarkan sewa). Mengurangi hutang dengan korporasi bank. Total aset non-inti real estat perusahaan lebih dari 1000 Cr. Pandangan saya: Langkah terakhir yang diambil oleh mgt mengenai penjualan saham treasury seharga 18 Cr dan QIP dari 37 Cr adalah salah satu langkah berani dan berani. Ini telah membawa positif dan optimisme di antara semua karyawan perusahaan dan mereka akan bekerja sangat keras untuk mengembalikannya ke puncak. Permulaan awal modal kerja dipecahkan dan mereka mulai berkonsentrasi pada bisnis. Scuttlebut dari distributor terbesar yang bersama perusahaan selama 20 tahun terakhir: - Jika Anda memesan motor LVM hari ini, Anda akan mendapatkannya besok. Jadi tidak ada masalah pengiriman di motor standar tapi jika Anda menuntut untuk yang khusus maka tergantung ukuran, fitur waktu pengiriman bisa dari 1 bulan sampai 6 bulan. Pidato yang bagus dari Ketua sangat fantastis. Mengharapkan keuntungan yang sangat baik dalam 2 tahun ke depan Crompton dan abb juga agresif. Perusahaan ini memiliki bank tanah yang luas di banglore dan hubli. Seri 8226Ravi memang bagus karena pengaturan terminal di sisi atas kedua sama-sama tersedia. Pengaturan terminal sisi awal hanya tersedia tapi sekarang keduanya.70 sampai 80 efisiensi lebih banyak yang dicapai dalam rangkaian ravi, keluhan telah turun drastis. Dalam hal jaringan penjualan amp, perusahaan seperti maruti amp lupin. Mereka telah membeli lahan baru 5 sampai 6 Tahun kembali. Ini adalah Mencoba untuk meningkatkan pangsa pasar. Ini mencoba untuk menyewa orang-orang besar dari pasar. 2 sampai 3 orang yang salah telah memimpin di perusahaan tersebut karena yang terakhir 5 sampai 7 tahun tidak baik. MD baru datang baru-baru ini dan membersihkan semua debu dari perusahaan. Dia menyingkirkan semua orang yang salah, semua persediaan telah dibersihkan. Juga dipecat orang yang berpikir perusahaan seperti organisasi pemerintah. MD baru diam dan agresif. Saya secara pribadi merasa bahwa dia bekerja sangat keras. Dalam 15 sampai 20 tahun pengalaman saya di perusahaan, saya pasti dapat mengatakan bahwa segala sesuatunya membaik dengan tajam dan 2 sampai 3 tahun mendatang akan menjadi fantastis. Saya sangat optimis. Mencoba untuk pemasok baru dengan orang baru. MD baru adalah pria keuangan murni dan membersihkan semua persediaan. Saya secara pribadi melihat semua tanaman dan merasa bahwa, tanggung jawab akuntabilitas baru-baru ini telah meningkat untuk setiap orang. Mendapatkan galian dari konsumen yang hilang yang berprestasi besar seperti sekarang. Dari sisi merek, Crompton, perusahaan ini, abb lebih diutamakan (Order). Apa yang terjadi ketika sebuah keluarga yang dikelola perusahaan dengan produk bagus dan brand recall yang hebat mengubah pendekatan PSU-nya menjadi perusahaan swasta yang terkelola dengan baik. Sebenarnya, ini adalah kisah tentang perusahaan ini. Mereka telah memberi dua permainan rockstars profesional untuk menjalankan pertunjukan. VB, CFO perusahaan mana yang dipromosikan menjadi MD sekitar tahun 2015. AH, salesman bintang dengan kekayaan pengalaman di industri ini mengambil alih posisi sebagai kepala penjualan. Mereka berputar keluar untuk mengubah perusahaan dan membawanya ke liga yang didambakan. Masalah perusahaan dimulai dengan mengakuisisi LDW pada tahun 2008, sebuah perusahaan Jerman yang terkenal dengan teknologinya. Resesi diikuti yang membuat masalah ini menjadi lebih buruk bagi perusahaan. Terlepas dari setiap dukungan yang mungkin dari orang tua India, anak perusahaan Jerman tidak dapat melakukan turnaround. Beberapa perempat kembali akhirnya menyerah dan membukukan kerugian. Mereka telah menyerap teknologi Jerman dan dengan sektor yang harus dilihatnya, hari-hari yang lebih baik akhirnya berlaku bagi perusahaan. Perusahaan memiliki aset non inti yang kaya untuk lagu lebih dari 1000crs (kebanyakan bidang tanah dan pabrik yang tidak diperlukan). Mereka dalam dialog aktif untuk membuang barang yang sama dan membuat entitas hutang tinggi bebas dari hutang. Selama 2-3 tahun ke depan, Perusahaan akan menjadi entitas lean tanpa kewajiban biaya bunga. Akan lebih bijaksana untuk dicatat bahwa biaya bunga saat ini perusahaan akan mendekati 40crs. Pengguna akhir produknya seperti industri gula, listrik, baja dan semen sudah mulai melihat perubahan waktu untuk selamanya. Jika pengguna keluaran Anda menandai perputaran yang kaya, vendor juga akan mengalami turnaround right Seringkali akal sehat sangat jarang terjadi, terutama jika pengecer memilih untuk memilih entitas yang terdaftar. Saluran kami memeriksa dari jaringan dealernya di seluruh negeri membuktikan hal di depan permintaan. Pelanggan memiliki masa tunggu 2-3 minggu untuk motor Ac-Dc-nya. Dealer juga menyarankan tentang fokus baru dari perusahaan. Ini memiliki status monopoli yang dekat dengan Transformers yang Diisi Minyak dimana permintaannya sangat besar. Tahun lalu mereka melakukan penjualan sekitar 18 tahun. Tahun ini mereka sudah memiliki pesanan senilai 90 gr di tangan, hadir dengan margin EBITDA dua digit. Perusahaan selalu mendapat perintah tapi karena krisis modal kerja mereka tidak bisa mengeksekusi sebagian besar. Kondisi ini berjalan sangat genting sehingga harus menjual saham treasury-nya pada dan sekitar bulan Desember 2015. Ini mengumpulkan 20 kilo dan akhirnya membuat penyelesaian beberapa waktu setelah waktu yang sangat lama. Mereka melakukan QIP baru-baru ini pada usia 46rs yang selanjutnya akan memberikan kelegaan dan membantu mencapai target yang ditargetkan pada target. Betapa berkah dalam penyamaran Bagaimana akumulasi kerugian ratusan crores dalam bukunya yang berarti tidak ada kewajiban pajak sampai melampaui akumulasi kerugian di dalam jendela pajak 7 tahun. Manajemen juga menjelaskan tentang tidak ada MAT. Kesimpulan: Setelah tepat 8 kuartal atau di bulan Desember 2015, perusahaan akhirnya tampil hijau. 2 perempat terakhir juga menguntungkan perusahaan itu. Ini menargetkan pertumbuhan 30 dimana penjualannya diperkirakan akan melampaui perkiraan fiskal tahun ini. Estimasi EBITDA 9 memberi kita angka PAT sekitar 15crs (63crs dikurangi biaya bunga 36crs dan penyusutan 12crs dan tanpa kewajiban pajak). Perusahaan mengutip 23 kali fy16-17 pendapatan. Fy17-18 akan melihatnya menghasilkan 880-900 rpm penjualan dengan pesanan margin lebih tinggi. EBITDA yang diharapkan sekitar 11 membuat perusahaan tersebut mengutip hanya 7 kali. Turnaround taruhan disambut dengan valuasi yang lebih tinggi dan dengan perusahaan yang melayani sektor inti, ia akan selalu mengutipnya dalam kisaran kisaran 15-20. Kelompok teman sebaya yang terkenal sebagai raksasa, Alstom, Siemens dan Abb dari dunia mengutip lebih dari 30 kali pendapatan fy18. Juga seperti yang disebutkan sebelumnya dalam laporan yang mereka targetkan menjadi entitas bebas hutang selama 3 tahun ke depan. Jika itu terjadi, Perusahaan dapat menulis sebuah tulisan suci untuk dirinya sendiri dengan pemegang saham membuat banyak lipatan dalam beberapa tahun mendatang. Kesenangan taruhan dalam intisari dimaksudkan untuk portofolio inti Anda. Sekarang jangan repot-repot bertanya pada orang target. 8 kiasan untuk mengetahui segala hal tentang microcap yang Anda inginkan. Mari kita jalankan: 1) Quote: Ini bukan ide saham baru tapi perpanjangan dari postingan sebelumnya. Tujuannya adalah untuk memiliki cakupan rinci dari 5 perusahaan tersebut. The desi cloud player yang sudah lama dilakukan. Catatan hari ini berkaitan dengan perusahaan ke 3 dari jabatan sebelumnya. Berutang kepada saudara laki-laki Bhaumik atas bantuan dan pertengkarannya. Dia melakukan perjalanan yang baik sejak beberapa hari karena alasan yang tidak saya ketahui. Dengan harga yang mahal untuk dipastikan pada level sekarang (stok yang mahal selalu ada 5 bagger dalam beberapa kuartal terakhir). Oh yah, Damn Mencoba cara SEBI untuk menulis lagi. 2) Cerita: 1200 cr Kelompok yang berbasis di Kochi 8211 perusahaan andalan mereka adalah E. Condiments (menjadi rempah-rempah dan kari) dengan 900 cr. Pendapatan 8211 diadakan oleh promotor dan 26 oleh Mccormick (perusahaan Fortune 1000 yang berbasis di AS yang memproduksi rempah-rempah, rempah-rempah, perasa). Perusahaan grup lainnya adalah ET (ban vulkanisir), E. Mattress (beddings dengan merek Sunidhra) Eastea (menjadi teh), King Richards (pakaian). Tidak ada kepemilikan silang antar perusahaan kelompok. ET adalah satu-satunya perusahaan yang terdaftar dan sepertinya tetap seperti itu. Tidak ada rencana daftar E. Condiments. 3) Campuran pendapatan ET 8211 70 pasar terbuka, 26 SRTC (perusahaan transportasi jalan negara) dan 4 ekspor. Margin kotor masing-masing 26, 35, 38. Hari debitur adalah 40-60 hari, 90 hari dan 90 hari dengan LC masing-masing. Riwayat hidup merupakan 96 dari pendapatan dan 4 berasal dari PV. Vulkanisir adalah mendapatkan daya tarik yang dipimpin oleh peningkatan kesadaran, penciptaan merek oleh pemain seperti ET, Indag dll dan kesadaran biaya bagi pemilik armada. Sebuah ban truk baru berharga 20k, sementara ban vulkanisir harganya 5k dan memiliki 80 kehidupan ban baru. Rantai nilai 8211 pemilik armada memberi ban kepada dealerretreader, yang pada gilirannya membeli bahan vulkanisir dari pemain seperti ET dan melakukan vulkanisir dan memberikannya kembali kepada pemilik armada. Sebagian besar penayang di pasar tidak eksklusif, mereka bekerja untuk semua pemain. Vulkanisir pra-sembuh digunakan untuk CV, PV, dll. Sedangkan vulkanisir panas digunakan untuk OTR, kendaraan pertambangan, dll. Yang berjalan pada permukaan keras dan memerlukan kerja yang lebih berat. Teknologi vulkanisir panas dan pra-sembuh di seluruh dunia digunakan. Tidak ada perubahan material dalam teknologi selama bertahun-tahun. 4) 50 permintaan penggantian dipenuhi oleh ban vulkanisir di India. Secara global yang jauh lebih tinggi 8211 di AS itu adalah ban vulkanisir 80. Secara bertahap India akan bergerak lebih tinggi ke arah ban vulkanisir karena kesadaran akan manfaatnya meningkat dan juga lingkungan ini lebih efisien. Jadi seiring berjalannya waktu ban vulkanisir akan naik. Industri vulkanografi di India adalah 3200 cr. Industri 8211 50 yang terorganisir 8211 tumbuh dengan pertumbuhan 10 volume. Pertumbuhan ini cenderung berlanjut dengan beberapa perubahan bertahap dari segmen yang tidak terorganisir. GST bisa memberi fillip pada shift ini. Pertumbuhan volume ET di TA16 adalah 10. Apollo, MRF dll mencari untuk memasuki ruang vulkanisir 8211 namun mereka tidak menganggap ini sebagai ancaman. Salah satu orang ini memiliki konflik karena mereka juga menjual ban dan kedua industri itu terlalu kecil untuk mereka. Namun, secara global ada pasar vulkanisir yang besar tapi juga sangat matang. India akan membutuhkan waktu bertahun-tahun bagi OEM ban untuk melihat industri ini dengan penuh arti. 5) Mereka sedang dalam proses mengubah jaringan distribusinya dari hanya distributor menjadi campuran distributor dan pemegang waralaba eksklusif. Pada TA16, 10 pendapatan masuk melalui franchisee di TA16 (6 di TA15) dan mereka mengharapkannya naik ke level 40 di FY17. Mereka saat ini memiliki 46 franchisee dan akan terus menambahkan ini. Keuntungannya adalah mereka dapat mengenakan harga lebih tinggi dengan 15-20 melalui franchisee eksklusif dan juga menghemat margin saluran. Hal ini menghasilkan 5 marjin kotor yang lebih tinggi. Misalnya, sebelumnya Midas menjual 140kg dan ET di 120. Sekarang ET mampu menjual di 170kg. Elgi Rubber saat ini mengikuti model franchisee eksklusif ini. Sementara Indag mengikuti model ini namun beralih ke model distributor karena mereka merasa kesulitan untuk meningkatkannya. Dalam model franchisee, manfaat lainnya adalah loyalitas merek yang baik dan mereka dapat mengendalikan keseluruhan ekosistem dan memastikan penjualan dan servis yang lebih baik. Namun, skalabilitas adalah masalah yang coba ditangani oleh ET dengan memastikan fokus pada masing-masing pemegang waralaba dan pembelanja waralaba dengan memastikan bisnis minimum dll. 6) Mereka juga memiliki 2 pusat vulkanisir di Chennai dan Bangalore yang menampilkan proses vulkanisir dan juga bertindak sebagai pusat merek. Mereka juga memiliki Zona Infinity yang untuk visibilitas merek dan merupakan outlet premium. Gerai ini juga memberikan dukungan pemasaran kepada para pembalas. Mereka juga mengatur kampanye pemilik armada di setiap wilayah di mana mereka memanggil 100-150 pemilik armada dan mereka mendidik mereka tentang manfaat ban vulkanisir dan layanan lainnya dan juga mendengar umpan balik mereka. Dengan cara ini mereka bisa lebih dekat dengan pemilik armada. Ini telah membantu mereka menargetkan pemilik armada secara langsung di beberapa daerah daripada bergantung pada retreader. ET ingin memposisikan diri sebagai solusi satu atap untuk vulkanisir 8211 pasokan material vulkanisir berkualitas, asesoris (gusi, semen, dll.), Perawatan mesin, ketersediaan tenaga kerja terampil, pemasaran dan kesadaran akan vulkanisir. Mereka telah memulai mesin outsourcing mfg dan mereka memasok mesin ini ke alat penguji 8211 ini untuk memastikan bahan berkualitas dan ban vulkanisir yang konsisten. Ini tidak akan melibatkan belanja modal utama. Mereka juga memiliki lembaga pelatihan dimana mereka melatih tenaga kerja. 7) Fokus manajemen telah meningkat pesat dalam beberapa tahun terakhir dan mereka juga telah melantik para profesional yang telah menyebabkan perubahan di atas. Juga sebelumnya keluarga Meeran hanya fokus pada E. Bumbu. Tapi sekarang Mccormick sebagai mitra dan juga perusahaan yang telah stabil, ini akan membantu meningkatkan fokus mereka pada ET. Pergerakan harga bahan baku adalah melewati jeda 1 bulan 8211 sehingga risiko harga dibatasi hingga 1 bulan. Biasanya margin kotor akan membaik pada saat turunnya harga karet dan sebaliknya karena efek penyebut pembilang. Dalam kasus retreader, harga karet yang jatuh sangat membantu karena mereka biasanya tidak memberikan manfaat itu sementara mereka mengambil harga pada saat harga karet meningkat. Harga karet telah melonjak 40 di Mar-April821716 8211 mereka telah mengambil kenaikan harga 11 di May821716 8211 ini sebagian besar akan mencakup kenaikan harga bahan baku, mereka memperkirakan harga karet akan membaik dan pada akhirnya tidak berdampak pada margin kotor dari waktu ke waktu. 8) Visi jangka panjang adalah untuk mencapai no. 2 posisi. Target mereka adalah mempertahankan rasio RMsales 65 (66,5 dalam FY15-16). Seiring waktu mereka bisa melakukan gross margin 37-38. Saat ini kapasitas 12000 MT dan utilisasi 45. Mereka bisa mencapai 60 utilisasi di TA17. Mereka bisa melakukan 200 cr. Pendapatan dengan kapasitas saat ini dan 5 cr. Capex. Capex 7-8 cr. Lebih dari 2 tahun 8211 5 cr. Pada kapasitas dan 2-3 cr. Pada otomasi pada tanaman. Pemeliharaan capex dari 50 lacs. Ekspor adalah 4 dari pendapatan dan mereka menargetkan untuk menumbuhkannya besar. Tahun ini mereka berpartisipasi dalam 5 pameran besar di Jerman, Hannover, Kuala Lumpur Delhi, dll. Mereka menargetkan 50 p. a. Pertumbuhan ekspor. Tidak ada gaji yang dibayarkan kepada direksi karena semuanya adalah anggota keluarga dan kebanyakan dari mereka memiliki saham di perusahaan tersebut. Juga mereka tidak terlibat secara aktif dalam menjalankan bisnis. Kecenderungan diskon naik seiring pasar melambat. Diskon diperhitungkan sebagai bagian dari biaya lainnya. OPM menolak QoQ 230bps di Q4FY16 karena biaya promosi yang lebih tinggi pada jalur franchisee dan biaya staf yang lebih tinggi (bonus). Sementara impor ban China merupakan ancaman, retreadability mereka buruk. Juga kualitas bannya buruk dan dianggap tidak aman dan kerusakan ban juga banyak. Mereka tidak memiliki rencana untuk memasuki segmen lain. Karet Indag belum menaikkan harga pasca kadaluwarsa cukai 8211 mereka akan menanggung biaya. Tidak ada rencana penggalangan dana atau peningkatan saham promotor. KSIDC yang memegang 11,75 saham tersebut ingin keluar dan setiap hari mengharapkan terjadi kesepakatan massal gemuk besar. Tidak ada kebijakan distribusi dividen. Btw: Seperti yang bisa dilihat, dibutuhkan usaha besar untuk menggali perusahaan kecil yang tidak biasa yang bisa menjadi bluechips besok. Tidak Reliance atau Hind yang membosankan Unilever dapat memberi Anda jenis uang yang bisa membantu Anda untuk pensiun lebih awal. Tentang peluncuran beberapa layanan kecil dan midcap SEBI yang sesuai hanya untuk investor berdisiplin jangka panjang. Isi formulir jika itu menarik minat Anda. Selamat berinvestasi orang. Catatan: Untuk masalah atau bantuan silakan hubungi Dipendu di 9007652301. Sudah lama sejak blog diupdate. Hidup telah berubah untuk selamanya setelah peluncuran aplikasi android Sharebazaar. Cari Share Bazaar Arun di playstore untuk mendownloadnya. Dalam waktu yang sangat singkat saat Anda mengenal orang-orang, kami memperoleh skala hampir 30000 pelanggan, tanpa menggunakan publisitas atau gimmick pemasaran. Dari konferensi untuk mengadakan lokakarya di India, banyak hal membuat saya sibuk. Segera, akan melakukan lokakarya Internasional, mulai dari Dubai segera. Sebi juga benar-benar menonjol dalam hal menipu pengecer dengan cara yang lebih baik. Oleh karena itu, wont suka memberi nama saham tapi petunjuknya mungkin bisa membantu Anda untuk membuat nama dan menggali lebih jauh cerita-ceritanya. 1) Telah terkesan dengan compounder China yang juga baru saja mengganti namanya untuk menandai fokus terbarunya. Orang tua telah mencapai rekam jejak yang mencengangkan tumbuh 65 CAGR dalam 20 tahun terakhir ini. Orangtua China mengutip diri dengan rata-rata PE lebih dari 50 sejak pencatatannya. Bahkan jika bisa melakukan sebagian dari apa yang telah dilakukan orang tua, saham yang hadir dengan persediaan terapung hampir nihil, akan bergerak dalam orbit yang berbeda. Ini telah menjadi doubler sejak rantspany Twitter saya baru-baru ini mengantongi pesanan besar dari IFB dan Symphony. Kekayaan perusahaan selanjutnya akan berubah karena klien terbesarnya beralih dari negara-negara seperti Australia untuk melakukan outsourcing segala hal mulai dari India. Sebaiknya terus mengungguli ekspansi, prospek keturunan dan pertumbuhan perusahaan mereka. Mahal pada tingkat sekarang namun dengan perkiraan 50 pertumbuhan bottom line untuk 3-4 tahun ke depan, saham memberikan kesempatan menarik pada penurunan yang kecil. Hutangnya bebas pada tanggal dengan market cap sekitar 800crs. Hasil yang harus diraih datang pada tanggal 30 Mei. 2) Pemain awan desi yang berasal dari chennai telah menjadi favorit saya selama 3 tahun terakhir. Perusahaan baru-baru ini menyampaikan jumlah angka yang layak. Kecualikan biaya karyawan dan akan terlihat luar biasa. Perusahaan juga menahan diri untuk tidak mengambil pesanan dengan margin kotor di bawah 65-70. Ini bisnis skala besar scalable dengan ukuran pasar berurutan kumulatif 2,5 lakh cr yang mengasyikkan memperluas dan menetapkan untuk memperluas lebih lanjut di 26-30 untuk datang atleast 5 tahun. Mengisi leverage ditambah dengan kuat tailwinds yang kuat dan seorang pria ultra super penjualan (Dia sudah mulai Off dengan staf tiga orang di Singapura untuk Satyam pada tahun 2000, dan kemudian meningkatkan bisnisnya menjadi 15 pusat pengembangan dan 33 kantor penjualan di 20 negara dengan lebih dari 4.000 karyawan. Berhenti untuk bergabung dengan HCL-D pada masa depannya, pertumbuhan HCL Di kawasan itu spektakuler, 60 persen pertumbuhan year-on-year, misalnya. Ini menjadi kawasan dengan pertumbuhan tercepat untuk HCL) membuat resep sempurna untuk potensi multibagger. 2016-17 fiskal harus menjadi yang terbaik untuk mereka. Oh iya seandainya honcho standar emas yang sama mengundurkan diri, luangkan waktu untuk segera keluar. Itu tetap menjadi risiko terbesar perusahaan khusus ini. Hutangnya bebas pada tanggal dengan market cap sekitar 2000crs. 3) Memiliki lokakarya sepanjang hari Sharebazaar yang menakjubkan di Cochin baru-baru ini. Seandainya ada waktu luang yang dengan dingin dimanfaatkan dalam mengunjungi daerah dewi milik sendiri. Apakah mendapat kesempatan untuk melihat sekilas pabrik perusahaan ini. Muncul dengan manajemen yang sangat kredibel yang melakukan segala sesuatu yang mungkin untuk menciptakan banyak kekayaan pemegang saham. Vulkanisir Kasar adalah mendapatkan daya tarik yang dipimpin oleh peningkatan kesadaran, penciptaan merek oleh para pemain dan kesadaran biaya bagi pemilik armada. Sebuah ban truk baru berharga 20k, sementara ban vulkanisir harganya 5k dan memiliki 80 kehidupan ban baru. Mereka sedang dalam proses mengubah jaringan distribusinya dari hanya distributor menjadi campuran distributor dan pemegang waralaba eksklusif. Di FY16 10 pendapatan datang melalui franchisee di TA16 (6 dalam TA15) dan mereka mengharapkannya naik menjadi 40 di FY17. Mereka saat ini memiliki 46 franchisee dan akan terus menambahkan ini. Keuntungannya adalah mereka dapat mengenakan harga lebih tinggi dengan 15-20 melalui franchisee eksklusif dan juga menghemat margin saluran. Hal ini menghasilkan 5 marjin kotor yang lebih tinggi. Misalnya, sebelumnya Midas menjual 140kg dan perusahaan di 120. sekarang mampu menjual di 170kg. Perusahaan hampir bebas hutang sejauh hutang jangka panjangnya diperhatikan. Perusahaan ditetapkan untuk tumbuh di 30 CAGR selama 5 tahun ke depan. Radiisasi yang bagus akan menjadi tema besar yang harus diperhatikan dan tidak terlihat lagi untuk mengangkat tema. Keralas Buffett memang membuatnya mahal dengan tweetnya namun prospek jangka panjang terlihat lebih kuat. Marketcap berdiri di sekitar 60crs. 4) Yang terjadi adalah neraka bertekad mencari pemain yang merebut pangsa pasar dari raksasa. Jivanjor, pemain perekat tampak paling pas dan saya melanjutkan penelitian saya. Untuk Scuttlebutt berarti, berinteraksi dengan banyak dealer dan manajer penjualan namun hasilnya tidak begitu menarik. Akhirnya, sampaikan penelitian saya setelah mantan manajer penjualan mengungkapkan banyak barang menarik yang memaksa dia untuk keluar dari perusahaan. Dia juga menyebutkan perusahaan barunya dan bagaimana hal itu membuatnya termotivasi sejauh yang telah menyebabkan pertumbuhan di daerahnya yang terik. Kebetulan, perusahaan yang sama kebetulan menjadi perusahaan yang terdaftar yang pada saat itu memiliki Marketcap kecil hanya 15crs. Perusahaan dengan nama merek Euro 7000, menempel pada perekat lem putih, meningkat 11x dalam 5 tahun terakhir dan ingin meraih 100crs bounty 2 tahun ke depan. Perusahaan mendapat produk fenomenal bernama D3 yang membutuhkan 60kgs untuk memberikan ikatan yang dibutuhkan sementara Fevicol melakukan hal yang sama pada 100 kg. Mereka memiliki kekuatan harga, mendapat margin kotor 45-50 dan menghabiskan banyak uang di bidang pemasarannya. Perusahaan juga memiliki pasokan dan distribusi yang sangat kuat dari 7000 dealer di 13 negara bagian dan 130 kota. Fevicol, selama beberapa tahun terakhir mengakuisisi perusahaan serupa dengan membayar lebih dari 2x Sales. Stok sejak saat itu telah meningkat lebih dari dua kali lipat dengan saat ini Marketcap masih pada angka 40crs yang remeh. Promotor pemegang saham dimana 97 dari itu telah dijanjikan baru-baru ini telah dilepaskan sepenuhnya. 5) Bahkan tidak perlu pena apapun untuk yang satu ini. Prem Watsa dengan investasi besarnya di dalamnya, sangat menarik. Pada tahun 2010 Nahoosh Jariwala dan tiga teman masa kecil dan keluarga mereka sedang berlibur bersama di sebuah cadangan harimau di India Tengah. Nahoosh dan sepupunya yang lebih tua, Rajan, mendirikan perusahaan itu pada tahun 1985 dan mencantumkannya di BSE pada tahun 1995. Sementara Nahoosh memiliki impian besar untuk bisnis ini, Rajan tidak begitu tertarik, jadi saat masih di hari libur Nahoosh8217s tiga orang teman memutuskan untuk membeli Rajan dan mendukung rencana pertumbuhan agresif Nahoosh8217. Selama lima tahun berikutnya sampai kami mendengar kabar dari perusahaan ini, Nahoosh secara eksponensial telah mengembangkan kapasitas produksinya dari 8.000 menjadi 45.000 metrik ton per tahun. Ini adalah perusahaan kimia oleo. Bahan kimia oleo adalah bahan kimia yang berasal dari tumbuhan atau lemak hewani, yang dapat digunakan untuk membuat produk yang dapat dimakan dan produk yang tidak dapat dimakan. Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir produksi bahan kimia oleo telah bergerak dari Eropa A. S. dan Jepang ke negara-negara Asia karena ketersediaan bahan baku utama lokal. Ia menempati ceruk unik di lapangan bermain global yang besar ini. Ini telah mengembangkan teknologi in-house yang menggunakan mesin yang diproduksi oleh perusahaan-perusahaan Eropa terkemuka untuk mengubah limbah yang dihasilkan selama produksi kedelai, bunga matahari, jagung dan minyak kapas menjadi bahan kimia berharga. Bahan kimia tersebut meliputi asam yang masuk ke produk yang tidak dapat dimakan seperti sabun, deterjen, produk perawatan pribadi dan cat, dan produk lain yang digunakan dalam pembuatan makanan kesehatan dan vitamin E. Pelanggan perusahaan tersebut mencakup perusahaan multinasional besar termasuk BASF, Archer Daniels Midland, Cargill, Bahan Organik Lanjutan, IFFCO Chemicals dan Asian Paints. Co beroperasi di luar pabrik tunggal di Ahmedabad. Ini memiliki kapasitas pemrosesan terbesar untuk asam lemak berbasis minyak lunak alami di India. Selama sepuluh tahun terakhir, penjualan tumbuh 23 per tahun menjadi 27 juta, dan laba setelah pajak meningkat pada 30 per tahun menjadi 2,3 juta. Pada 8 Februari 2016 kami membeli 45 saham dari tiga teman Nahoosh dan pemegang saham lainnya di Rupee 212 (3,12) per saham. Dua sen saya: Bisnis terukur yang luar biasa dengan hambatan masuk yang tinggi. Headwind saat ini memberikan kesempatan seumur hidup bagi pencari nilai yang ingin memperbanyak modal selama 5 tahun ke depan. Btw: Kami siap meluncurkan beberapa layanan menarik yang hanya dimaksudkan untuk investor jangka panjang. Tertarik orang pls mail di arunsharemarketgmail untuk rincian. Anda juga bisa mencarinya di 9007652301. Selamat berinvestasi. Seminar dan lokakarya: Sekitar 8 jam Workshop Investor di tempat-tempat seperti Delhi, Hyderbad dan Kolkata selama 3 minggu mendatang. Lakukan pena surat di arunsharemarketgmail jika Anda tertarik untuk menjadi bagian darinya. Dalam Lokakarya Mumbai terakhir, tema-tema Jute didiskusikan dan Cheviot secara kebetulan mengutip sekitar 700 orang itu. Mari pakai pena yang menarik perhatian saya di perusahaan ini. Catatan: Hari ini saya cukup sibuk dengan workshop dan seminar yang sedang kami hadiri di Pan India. Usaha terbaru Share Bazaar Android App telah sukses besar dengan hampir 30000 unduhan selama beberapa bulan terakhir. Blog akan menjadi usang karena kemajuan teknologi dan karenanya keputusan untuk memindahkan semua yang ada di App. Apakah mendownload app guys jika Anda belum selesai. Cari saja Bazaar Arun di play store. Quote: Cheviot Company adalah salah satu contoh utama sebuah perusahaan yang menghasilkan banyak uang dari investasi serat hijau dan suara sehat. Vardhan Kanoria yang keras telah menciptakan Emas dari sebuah Industri, dimana Matahari telah benar-benar mengatur dengan keberangkatan Inggris. Pada tahun 1947. Saat ini, dengan unit pengolahan dan omset yang melebihi Rs 265 crore, Cheviot Company menghasilkan lebih banyak uang dari Rami dan Investasi Korporatnya, dalam setahun, daripada yang bisa dilakukan kebanyakan perusahaan dalam seumur hidup mereka. Sementara Kolkata mungkin memiliki perbedaan yang berbeda. Artinya bagi orang yang berbeda, untuk pemilik keluarga Cheviot-the Kanoria saat ini, Sun Never Set On Jute bahkan dengan runtuhnya kekaisaran Inggris. Pendahuluan: Cheviot Company Limited (CCL) yang didirikan pada tahun 1897, merupakan perusahaan andalan kelompok Cheviot, yang memiliki kepentingan dalam industri goni, teh, dan kulit. CCL memproduksi benang dan kain gute bernilai tinggi, seperti benang rami halus, kain pemecatan, kain hacks dan tas, tas pemecatan (untuk mengemas biji-bijian makanan dan keperluan sekutu lainnya), dan kain hessian yang superior. Dipelopori oleh Mr. H. V. Kanoria di bawah kepemimpinannya, kelompok tersebut telah menunjukkan kinerja teladan dari tahun ke tahun. Dia adalah seorang industrialis terkemuka dengan pengalaman 40 tahun yang luas dalam menangani Industri Rami, Teh dan Kulit dengan sukses. Perusahaan juga berkelana ke kategori produk baru dengan menambahkan tas belanja goni di lini produk yang ada. Perusahaan melayani pasar ekspor dan domestik. Ini memiliki dua unit manufaktur di Bengal Barat: satu di Budge Budge dan satu di Zona Ekonomi Khusus Falta (unit berorientasi ekspor). Permintaan untuk tas ramah lingkungan: Permintaan barang rami hijau seperti produk berkebun, tas belanja, tekstil geo, pulp dan kertas, tekstil rumah, penutup lantai dan tekstil non-woven sangat tinggi di tingkat konsumen8217 di pasar internasional. Karena meningkatnya kesadaran tentang lingkungan. Dari produk tersebut, tas belanja buatan tangan kini menjadi barang terlaris. Banyak negara seperti Amerika Serikat (AS) dan Uni Emirat Arab (UEA) telah pergi untuk mengganti tas belanja plastik dengan tas belanja buatan tangan. Permintaan untuk tas ramah lingkungan juga meningkat di negara-negara Eropa Barat, Australasia, Timur Tengah, Asia dan Afrika. The global market size of jute-made shopping bags will be 500 billion pieces, equivalent to seven million tonnes of jute products, in the coming days, as efforts are on to totally stop use of polythene or plastic materials all over the world because of their adverse impact on environment. Fibre of the future: Composite and Compounded materials from man-made fibres (i. e. glass fiber, carbon fiber etc.) are already available as products for consumer and industrial uses. Jute is one such natural fiber that can reduce the impact on the environment. It is available in abundance, strong and is increasingly being referred to as the 8220fiber of the future8221. Jute filled PP composites are today being successfully used for various components and materials. India is still largely an agrarian economy, which needs to generate massive employment in rural areas for a rapidly growing population. Technological breakthroughs such as jute-filled PP compounds show the way for economic development of the masses by marrying state-of-the - art technology and research with cash crops to create rural and industrial prosperity. New Advancement in Jute Compound: Bengaluru-based STEER makes new advancement in jute compounds that ca help in use of fibre in automobile parts (under-the hood),housing construction materials or even microwaveable cooking containers. This New compound can have ripple effect not only on the jute sector, but the entire India economy by opening up a huge market opportunity. Jute polymers to provide excellent opportunity for new sunrise industry to emerge, creation of thousands of jobs in West Bengal, Orissa and Bihar. The popularisation of jute polymers is expected to help provide a major thrust to the Government8217s Make in India campaign, by popularising new usage of jute in other sectors, thus stimulating industrial activity. Jute polymers are certain to greatly benefit the jute industry with its ability to transform the traditional use of jute for modern day products, thus, touching human lives. Advantage over Bangladesh :India and Bangladesh together accounts for the 95 of worlds jute production. The cost of producing quality yarn is 40 per cent higher in Bangladesh than in India because of the technological disadvantages. India has set up composite jute mills with modern machinery and technologies for production of fabrics, dyeing or lamination under one roof. Bangladesh has nearly 250 jute mills, but none of them has the dyeing and lamination facilities, which are essential to producing diversified products, according to exporters. Potential for an anti-dumping tax: Around 125 lakh bales of jute sacks are needed just to package crop seeds in India. Indian jute mills can produce only 25 lakh bales of jute. The Indian Jute Mill Association (IJMA) has already pleaded for an anti-dumping tax in case Bangladeshi goods enter India. The Indian jute commission is considering the plea, and is soon to give a decision about it. This decision is aiming provide a monopoly to Indian jute mill owners which is a very big positive as there are barely few survivors in the industry. Jute Particle Board: They are used as substitutes for wood. The availability of the technologies for producing particleboards and its high socio-economic value are arguments in favour of the future development of this product. The use of wood in house construction, furniture, etc. is slowly being discouraged due to environmental reasons. The use of jute particle board as a substitute has been found to be quite acceptable both in terms of quality and price. Strong Financial Risk Profile: CRISILs ratings on the bank facilities of Cheviot Co Ltd (CCL) continue to reflect CCLs strong financial risk profile, marked by a robust net worth, low reliance on external debt and strong liquidity. The ratings also factor in the strong business risk profile, with an established market position in the jute industry, a diversified product profile, and a wide distribution network. Jute has always been a dull and boring sector. However, several positive advancement drew my attention to this sector. Several innovations ranging from diversified uses of Jute and Jute compounds (as discussed above) implies a turning tables for this sector. Also there has been a rise in demand for jute products all across the globe. Several countries have already banned use of plastic bags in their grocery markets and shopping malls. Thus, demand has been projected to increase 50 times within next five years if the eco-friendly trend continues. Potential for an anti-dumping tax which is a game changer, would provide a monopoly to Indian jute mill owners as there are barely few players in the industry. Recently MD of Gloster (one of the leading Jute players) emphasized in an interview that this is a 8216golden period8217 for the jute industry with several sectoral tailwinds. He guided a robust rise in export demand in coming quarters. He also said that the upcoming quarters will see a very sleek growth which they have never seen before. Concerns: Adverse regulatory changes in the jute industry may impact the top line and thus the regulatory risk would always prevail. Revenues coming in from exports have been a significant rise in past several quarters, fluctuations in currency can pose a threat. Also the RM prices which is Raw jute been on a recent upswing which can put pressure on its margins. Financials: Company over the past 5 years have grown its topline and bottomline at a CAGR of 8 and 13 respectively. But the half yearly results of 2015-16 presents an entirely different picture where the company has delivered an impressive sales growth of 25 to register a figure of 150crs vs 120crs. Profits have more than doubled to 23crs vs 11crs. The third quarter numbers probably should be the best since its inception. Conclusion: I liked Cheviot for its attractive valuations (in terms of EV) along with strong financial risk profile, marked by a robust net worth and low reliance on external debt. It has huge investments and cash on book worth Rs. 200 Cr and it8217s almost debt free. Thus, on EV basis it is available at a very reasonable price. Currently it is quoting at a 6 forward PE and given the tailwinds even a meagre rerating up to 10 PE would make it move way higher. Promoters are owning 75 stake of the company. CCL has also been very generous with its consistent 20 dividend pay-out policy in past 5 years. So even dividends will be 2x with 100 rise in bottom line. Also, CCL doesn8217t needs any capex and has huge reserves so one can expect another bonus due to low equity base. (Last bonus was in 2006).There are very few listed players in Jute industry in India. All are with very tiny equities and limited floating stock. So even average accumulation can make them run into circuits. BTW:For different stock market related services and also for techno-Funda tutorials, rush a mail at my mail id arunsharemarketgmail to know more about it. Note: The above is not a research report but assimilation of information available on public domain and it should not be treated as a research report. Registration status with SEBI: I am not registered with SEBI under the (Research Analyst) regulations 2014 and as per clarifications provided by SEBI: 8220Any person who makes recommendation or offers an opinion concerning securities or public offers only through public media is not required to obtain registration as research analyst under RA Regulations8221 Disclosure: It is safe to assume that I might have Cheviot in my portfolio and hence my point of view can be biased. Readers should consult registered consultants before making any investments. After the launch of my Share Bazaar android app, the workload has increased many a times. Hardly theres any time to do blogging. As you all know the app has been a huge hit with downloads been nearly 25000 in a very small time. For the uninitiated, to download-go to play store and search Share Bazaar Arun. Do give your reviews and ratings folks. Microsec Financial Services AGM Notes (QampA) E-commerce Divisions:- 1. Are we planning to raise Private Equity for both our E-Commerce division Ans: We were anxious when we started both e-com divisions but in retrospect we believe it was one of the greatest decision we ever made. Usually in a typical e-commerce start up, it takes huge amount of cash burning to achieve a GMV of 100crs but we are aiming to achieve that feet by remaining debt free. We are going to set a benchmark by achieving this only from a single state in India (West Bengal) which has been unprecedented in the world of E-commerce. And yes we are looking to raise money for both the verticals. 2. What is the USP of our E-com Services Will ban on selling online medicine(if at all happens) affect us Ans: The USP of the company is our last mile delivery where 99 of the logistics costs are borne by the franchises. (Company gave the examples of newspaper where the logistics costs are Zero.) We dont sell prescribed drugs online. Sastasundar forwards the lead to its offline brickampmortar franchisehealthbuddies and they deliver the order to the customer. Its just a lead generation medium. 3. As medspa, Apollo pharmacy, netmeds, pm ventures are all in the same business as Sastasunder, What are we doing to thwart competition Ans: Competition makes business and the arena is too large. The retail pharmacy market is worth over 70000crs and theres a room for everyone to have their own pie. 4. We are entering Karnataka. What would be the strategy Are we also entering other states Ans: Strategy is to repeat what we are doing in Kolkata. Sastasundar will further expand in Mumbai and other big cities by 2016. 5. In medicine distribution we need large inventories. Even we supply the inventory to our franchise owners. How are we playing it Are we ready for addition in future debt Ans: Company is against too much debt however we may need some for taking care of our WC requirements. 6. What is the ratio of repeat customers to new customers What are we doing to retain our old customers Ans: Repeat Customers contribute to 75 of the present top line. Company is taking all initiatives to retain its existing customers. 7. What is the credit cycle from where we procure the medicines Ans: (Didnt gave a clear answer but hinted of a good credit cycle once they garner in big volumes) 8. How many franchises we have till date What is out average franchise revenue What is the number of franchise we are looking to add over the coming few years Ans: 87 in total, 81 franchise and 6 company owned stores. Company looking to appoint more franchises. Aims for a number of 225 within the next fiscal. 9. What is the ebitda margin we will have after counting for 15 discounts and 8 commission to franchises How can we compete with the retail pharmacist stores Ans: Our medicine distribution margins are 30. The retail pharmacist averages margin of around 20. So theres nothing to worry on that front. Sastasundar makes around 7. 10. How many brands are attached with foreseegames as on date Ans: Its around 120 and yes the target is to tieup with 500 brands ASAP. 11. We brag about 11 lakh users in foresee then why is the revenue is not even 50 lakhs Ans: Foreseegame will see increased monetization from Brand partners going forward, however current strategy is more focused on acquiring more brand partners. 12. Foreseegame itself is engaging but the worst part is we have just 33k likes Facebook on user base of 1.1 million. Why arent we looking at it One of our peer latestone came into the arena much later yet they have 7-8 lakh fans in no time and increasing at a rapid speed. Ans: (The Company appreciated the fact and promised to look into the issue at the earliest.) 13. Why arent we marketing enough We dont see foresee ads in TVs. They are nowhere. We havent even done a SEO, let alone AdWords. Nobody can see us if they Google up online games. Why is it so Ans: Not fond of marketing in the television world. SEO and other needed necessities are actively looked upon which will help the company to increase its users. 14. Have we got a break even target in our verticals When we will break even in e-com verticals Ans: Company looking to break even by fy17-18. Both e-com verticals are exceeding expectations as of now. 15. Do we make profit from every transaction What is the ratio of our private level biz to the medicine biz What is the margin we make from our private biz Ans: We are making profit from most transactions, if not all. The ratio is hardly much to talk about as of now. Private level business margins around 50. 16. What about our recent launches: chef on and others Are we seeing any traction What has been the acceptance of our customers Ans: Chefon: the made to order segment has seen immediate traction after its recent launch. Company is getting 400-500 enquires on a daily basis. 17. In Foreseegame we often provide Sastasunder currency to our game buddies which in turn inflates the topline. Out of 21crs topline in Sastasunder, what has been its contribution last fiscal Ans: That is less than half a percent of the total turnover. 18. Any revenue guidance for foresee and Sastasunder in the present fiscal Next year 17 and by 2020 Ans: Foreseegame should more than double its turnover this year. Sastasundars GMV should be heading to 100crs within the next few quarters. 19. Zapak games recently got valued at 1000crs, be it alexa rank or minutes spend in the site it8217s beneath foreseegame by every standard. Are we looking to unlock value by divesting a stake Ans: Lot of offers from private equity. Foreseegame will dilute in favour of a private equity to unlock value. Should be done at a good valuation. 20. Ironically whenever we announce our results, we see our stock being hammered owing to higher losses. Would we see the same in future Ans: (We aren8217t bothered about stock prices or market cap. The company is in a solid footing and with time, the right valuation should definitely chip in.) Financial Services Division:- 21. It8217s been quite a while since the demergerdivestment news was announced by the company. When is it actually happening Ans: Our core was finance and its a pretty emotional decision to hive off the same. However, we believe in being ahead of the time and hence will soon do what8217s best for the business. 22. We have a capital employed of over 100crs in the financial vertical. We have got large holdings running worth several Crs. We did a PAT of 10crs. Its a brand with intangibles adding up to a good few Crs. Tailwinds are blowing with few recent brokerage deals. Sudhir Valia acquiring fortune financial at 35crs and Sudip banerjee buying out JRG sec at 100crs. So we should get a good valuation right Ans: (They appreciated the fact and hinted about a good deal coming soon. Fathoming the body language, it seems like they will just sell the finance arm rather than demerging it as the full focus is on ECOM.) 23. Presuming we will sell out the Financial Services Division as admitted by Mr mittal earlier, how are we going to deploy that money Would it be fully on Ecom Or can there be a special onetime dividend Ans: As of now we are not in favour of a dividend as the stock price would just adjust it immediately. The money received would be deployed in the ECOM ventures. 24. Promoters own 71 in the company as on date, bit below the max permissible limit of 75. Why arent you buying out the rest This fiscal year the promoters hardly bought anything. Ans: Microsec is the only stock we acquired in last few years. We desire to own the maximum permissible limit of 75 soon. 25. We had an internal target of achieving a billion dollar market cap by 2020. How achievable does it look under the present juncture. Ans: Futile to discuss about market cap at the present juncture. We believe in long term wealth generation for the stakeholders. 26. Is there any chances of selling out fully provided we get an extravagant offer, at a much premium to the present price Ans: No chances of selling out in the next 5 years. What I Perceive: Finance business to be sold soon and then in due course would be demerged in two separate companies. Sastasundar and Foresee to be separately listed in the future. P. s:Please refrain from asking buyingselling stuff. BTW:For different stock market related services and also for techno-Funda tutorials, rush a mail at my mail id arunsharemarketgmail to know more about it. Note: The above is not a research report but assimilation of information available on public domain and it should not be treated as a research report. Registration status with SEBI: I am not registered with SEBI under the (Research Analyst) regulations 2014 and as per clarifications provided by SEBI: 8220Any person who makes recommendation or offers an opinion concerning securities or public offers only through public media is not required to obtain registration as research analyst under RA Regulations8221 Disclosure: It is safe to assume that I might have MICROSEC in my portfolio and hence my point of view can be biased. Readers should consult registered consultants before making any investments. Subscription to ArunthestocksguruExclusive Method of Trading Options Gives You. quotAn Almost Risk-Free Way to Make a CEO-Level Income in the Stock Market Regardless Of Economic Conditions and Regardless of Whether The Market Goes Up, Down, or Sidewaysquot Listen, if youre like most people today, youre probably: Tired of making next to nothing on your investments. Tired of seeing your retirement portfolio (and plans) slowly slip away. Tired of getting the same old dismal returns in the market. Tired of getting bummed out every time you look at your 401k. Does any of this sound familiar If so, read the rest of this letter to discover how you can easily turn all that around using the Power and Leverage of safe, low-risk, high-return options to Make a Consistent Monthly Income in the Market . From: David Vallieres and Tim Warren Monday 5:30 AM Whether youre a seasoned trader or a complete beginner, youre about to discover options are not nearly as complicated or as risky as you have been led to believe. The truth is, most people, even many experienced stock brokers, just dont understand options. You see, stocks have been around for literally hundreds of years, but listed options are relatively new. They are just a little over 40 years old. So its understandable that most people dont know how they work. Thats where I come in. You see, I have spent the last 23 years studying, learning, planning, testing and perfecting a simple system for trading options. That system - allows my family and I to live a lifestyle most people can only dream of. (NOTE: The course contains FULL SIZE videos so you can see everything clearly.) And Now, Im Here to Share That System With You First, lets make sure you understand what options are. You may already know, but just in case you donrsquot, let me give you a simple example to illustrate how options work: Letrsquos say you see an ad in your local paper for a pair of blue jeans. Your local clothing store is running a sale on them, and for next three days they are only 30. However, by the time you make it to the store they are all sold out of your size. To keep you as a happy customer, the store clerk offers you a rain check. It entitles you to purchase a pair of the jeans at the sale price - 30 anytime within the next 60 days. That rain check is just like an option. You have the right - but not the obligation - to buy the blue jeans at the guaranteed price of 30 any time before the expiration date in 60 days. The only difference is, with an option they charge you a small premium for that right. What Makes Options So Special Well, lets take a look at the difference between buying a share of stock and buying an option. Lets say you get a hot tip. Your buddy tells you about a stock thats just getting ready to take off. You know that everything your buddy touches turns to gold, so you decide to invest 10,000 in the stock. Lets assume the stock is priced at 100 per share, so you end up with 100 shares of the stock. Now, lets say your buddy is right and the stock takes off. It increases in value by fifty percent. Not bad. Your stock went up by 50 a share. So if you decide to sell your 100 shares, youll profit 5000 (50 X 100 shares). Now, lets go back to the beginning and consider what would have happened if you had invested your 10,000 into options to buy the stock, rather than investing in the stock itself. Lets assume you could purchase an option to buy a share of the same hot stock for 5 each (you are paying a 5 quotpremiumquot for the right - but not the obligation - to buy the stock). So now, your same 10,000 would get you the option on 2000 shares of stock. Once again, well say your buddy knew what he was talking about and the stock went up by fifty percent. So, once again you made a killing. However, because were dealing with options, we have to calculate your profits a little differently this time. We have to figure in the price of the premium you paid for the option. So instead of making a profit of 50 on each share, you only made 45 on each option. But wait a minute, since you were able to purchase the option on 2000 shares of stock, your profit jumps to 90,000 Yes, Your Profit Jumps to 90,000 . Now that illustrates the Power and Leverage you get with options. And get this, thats just one of the reasons options have become increasingly popular recently. There are many more including: You get unlimited profit potential . five-figure monthly incomes are realistically within reach You can easily limit your risk and make losses virtually nonexistent You get the ability to profit whether the market is falling or rising (In fact, smart investors can make oodles of cash even during a market crash) You can quickly change your strategy mid-stream, to actually make money off a losing trade You can easily diversify your portfolio. options are readily available on stocks, indexes, futures and currencies. If you get it wrong. you can lose money just as fast as you can make it with options So dont think you can run right out and start making a ton of money with options. Its critical that you have a good understanding of the options market before you dive in. You need to find a good mentor. Someone thats been extremely successful trading options. Someone with a proven system. Someone that can take you by the hand and walk you step-by-step through the entire process. Thats where I come in. But mdash that also brings up a good point: Unlike many people who teach stocks and options, I am not a former quotmarket-makerquot or specialist or a licensed professional in the financial industry. I am a retail investor just like you, who after 23 years of testing and tweaking found a way to be successful and profitable trading stocks and options as a business. A successful business I run from home . And, the business methods I use are the same ones used by professional hedge fund managers and market professionals who rarely, if ever, talk about their strategies. So Why On Earth Would I Share My Secrets With You 1) First, in this business, competition is good. The markets are huge and worldwide. You cant have too many traders. In fact, the more traders you have, the more money you can make and the more liquid the market becomes. You actually want more people in the market. 2) Second, I want to give back. This business has been very good to me. Ive been fortunate enough to use it to build a lifestyle for my family that allows us the freedom to go wherever we want and do pretty much whatever we want. As long as Ive got my laptop and an Internet connection, Im all set. Just imagine what it would be like for you to be able to give your family the same freedom . 3) Third, I love to teach. I have been teaching people how to use the Internet to start a business since 1999. Thousands of people have learned how to make their living online with my courses, and thats been very rewarding for me. Now, it can be very rewarding for you too. You see, one thing Ive learned in all my years of teaching is the very best way for you to learn is to have me show you how to do something - step-by-step - before you attempt it yourself. Thats why throughout my quotExpert Option Tradingquot course you get to. Look Over My Shoulder as I Make My Own Trades Thats right. You actually get to watch as I make my daily trades and listen as I explain why I make the moves I do. You get to see exactly how I make money in the market . Watch and listen as I pick which options I want to buy and sell and then explain why. Look over my shoulder as I strategize about which trades to put together into a portfolio that will maximize profits and minimize risk. Watch as I manage my portfolio in less than 15 minutes a day. Follow along as I decide when to close a trade out and take my profits. You get to look over my shoulder and watch me actually make money in the market. Who else does that No one that I know of. You may be able to hire a personal trading coach that will do the same thing if youre willing to spend thousands of dollars, but Ive never seen anyone offering it. And it doesnt have to stop when youre done with the course. Just sign up for my newsletter and youll be able to continue to watch as I make trades and manage my portfolio on a daily basis. See exactly how I make my living in the market. quotThis Information is Pricelessquot I just wanted to say. I bought your course and it is great I watched all the videos in about one week and will be reviewing them again. Im hooked on this stuff I just started trading paper to try it out and hopefully build my confidence. This information is priceless whether you want to follow the strategies presented or not. Im very excited and hope that in a couple years I can do this as a business. Ive always wanted or at least loved the idea of trading as a business at home, but I didnt think it was possible. My experience was that it was a total crap shoot. But, as your course pointed out Ive been trading blind. This think or swim application is so unbelievable how you can analyze just about every possibility instantly in real time. And your strategies are so sound and logical. I love how the videos demonstrate exactly what you are teaching. Excellent A Radically Different Approach to Options Trading Look, most people approach the options market as pure speculation or worse yet, gambling. Thats why most people think the options market is too risky. In this course, youll discover how to virtually eliminate the risk and approach trading as a real business . Its simple: All businesses buy and sell something to make money. yoursquoll be buying and selling options in your business. In addition, all good businesses are managed based on numbers and ratios ndash yoursquoll discover how to do the same exact thing. Youll manage your business strictly by the numbers . This takes your emotions totally out of the picture, which in turn removes most of the risk . In fact, yoursquoll know exactly what your maximum profits are going to be BEFORE you ever place a trade. You wont have to guess or speculate ndash yoursquoll have a plan . Then - Yoursquoll simply manage your position. And - if necessary, youll make adjustments to remain profitable. Or - youll use smart risk management tactics to cut your losses. Then - youll just collect your profits at the end of the trading cycle (monthly). Thats it And the best part is. You Can Do All This In Just 15 Minutes A Day . Thats right mdash Once your trades are set up for the month, it takes less than 15 minutes a day to look over the numbers and make any adjustments necessary. You wont find a simpler business to run. And listen, this business will never change. The principles, once you learn them, are yours forever . Youll be able to hand them down to your children and grandchildren. The principles will never change because the markets never really change. New products may come on the market, but as long as the stock market is still around, the basics of this business will never change. This business is Evergreen . and the principles youre learning will be valuable for many, many years to come. And here are just a few of those principles youll be discovering: How you can use options to Generate a Steady Monthly Cash Flow . you may even decide to walk away from your day job How to manage your options business strictly by the numbers. take your emotions completely out of the picture ( this is HUGE ) Why Risk Management is the key to your success in any type of trading. and why its essential in options trading How to create and utilize ldquoRisk Profilesrdquo. visually determine a tradersquos potential profitability in one glance. The secret that 99.8 of option traders donrsquot know . how to quickly change your strategy if the stock goes against you ndash up or down. What Will Be Covered for You In The Course You will get a total of 12 modules. Each one contains several hands-on videos. Look over my shoulder and follow along as I walk you step-by-step through each topic. Heres just a small sample of things youll discover: Module 1: Introduction To Trading As A Business Description: This section introduces you to a new way of trading options mdash as a business . Emphasis is on risk management and building a portfolio of trades that can be managed strictly by the numbers. Module 2: Introduction To Trade Types and Analysis Description: This module includes a brief overview of buying and selling options using vertical spreads, double vertical spreads, bull call spreads, straddles, calendars, double calendars, and iron condors. It also includes a discussion of time value, intrinsic value, extrinsic value, and in-the-money (ITM), at-the-money (ATM), and out-of-the-money (OTM) options. In addition youll learn how to setup and use the thinkorswim platform to analyze your trades. Module 3: The Greeks - Managing By The Numbers Description: The Greeks play a critical role in your trading business. They are the numbers youll use to manage your portfolio profitably. In this module, youll gain an understanding of exactly what the Greeks are and, exactly how they impact your business. This section includes a video and a comprehensive, yet easy to read 5 page CONFIDENTIAL REPORT on how to profit from quotThe Greeksquot. Module 4 : Trade Selection And Strategy Description: In this module youll learn how to determine which positions to put on and precisely when and how to put them on. Youll also learn what charts, if any, really matter, and well take a look at the big picture behind what were doing. Module 5: Portfolio Building Description: Youll discover how to build a portfolio by putting on positions that work together. This is where many traders go wrong - they put on individual positions and do not understand how they affect their overall portfolio. Module 6: Using The TOS Platform - The Tools Of The Trade Description: ThinkorSwim (TOS), is in my opinion, the best broker and has the best trading platform available. If you had to pay separately for the types of analysis tools they give you as an account holder, it would cost you hundreds of dollars a month in fees - with TOS theyre totally free. I take you inside the TOS platform and help you access the power thats available to you. (There are other software programs you can use to analyze your trades, but TOS is free when you open an account.) Module 7: Portfolio Management By The Greeks, Adjustments, VIX and More. Description: Now that youve built your portfolio, your key to success is to manage it by the numbers. You learned the Greeks, now its time to put them into action. When youve completed this section youll be able to look at the numbers and quickly determine what they mean and what to do with them, if anything. Module 8: The Art Of Adjustments - The Secret Key Description: What happens when your numbers dont look good This is where 99 of all traders get killed. they have no clue what to do when a position goes against them. So they just take the loss. Its too bad because most trades can be saved. They can be made profitable by adjusting. Imagine making one small change to your position and increasing your odds of making a profit by 80 Thats what adjusting can do for you Adjustments are the missing link in option trading that almost no one teaches. Module 9: Closing Positions Description: Discover how and when to close your positions for maximum profits. The risks of holding positions into expiration week. When and how to buy short-term insurance to protect your profits. How to close positions and get free trades left over mdash that have a chance of DOUBLING your profits. Module 10: The Big Picture - Technical Analysis Description: Part 1 - In this section youll find out which key analysis tools are critical in helping you determine the probabilities of market direction. Well discuss why the market moves up and down in a seemingly random fashion, and youll get a historical perspective on market movements going back to 1900. Youll end up with a realistic plan of attack for determining future market direction based on factual evidence. In Part 2, youll learn about short-term indicators that can help you to better time your trades. And youll discover an indicator that predicts short-term and opening market direction with an amazing degree of accuracy. Its right nearly 95 of the time Module 11: Advanced Techniques And Explosive Wealth Building Strategies Description: This should actually be titled as a bonus section. It not only contains the most powerful options strategies on the planet, it also introduces you to a couple of Super High-Powered stock trading strategies . Explosive Strategy 1: Using this one method a 14,000 trade turned into a 75,000 profit in just 8 months. The most money at risk Just 650. That was the total amount that was at risk when this position was initiated and NO more money was ever put into the position. It has an amazing profitloss ratio . It does require a longer time frame - 6 to 8 months, but its not uncommon for these trades to create the type of profits you can brag about . Want to make a killing in the market It doesnt get any better than this. Explosive Strategy 2: Another method I call Flipping Stocks lets you buy stocks cheaper than anyone else, and if the market does not cooperate - you get paid lots of money for waiting until it does This is for bigger players with more capital. but when you have 15k or more to put to work, these longer term trades will generate explosive profits for you . Explosive Strategy 3: With this new strategy you have unlimited upside or downside potential and only about 50 at risk. This strategy is extremely powerful and one of the biggest real secrets that I know of. Ive never seen anyone else discuss this tactic. Wait until you see the power of this strategy. You can make 1000s with a total risk of about 50. This is as close as it gets to a free-lunch on Wall Street This is the perfect low-risk strategy for playing earnings reports, takeover news, or any stock you think will move big in either direction. Explosive Strategy 4: If you want to be more active in stocks but hate the risk, youll love this strategy. With it, you can day trade without the risk normally associated with day trading. You can also set it up as a semi-automated trading system. Its another very powerful low risk, high earning strategy for more active participants (requires capital of 25,000 due to pattern day trading regulations). Explosive Strategy 5: If you like the idea of the monthly income trades but you were wondering how to turbo charge them to make a fortune, then you will love THIS strategy. Instead of 1000-2000 a month you can start generating 5,000 to 40,000 a month after learning this. This last strategy is the icing on the cake - the peak moment in all your hard study. It will be worth 100 times what you paid for this course . maybe even more. Why didnt I reveal this to you before Because you wouldnt be able to use this strategy without the foundation laid out in Modules 0 to 10. Everything youve learned thus far has been leading up to this. AND Explosive Strategy 4. There you have it. those are some highlights from what youll be learning in the course - I guarantee you wont find anyone else teaching all this. The course consists of 42 videos delivered to you on DVD. I made the course incredibly affordable to make sure you could learn all this without having to stress over the price. I have paid as much as 3,000 for one course and 5,000 for another - you will get much more from this course than both of those combined. Theres even one online trading course that charges 7,500 for online access just to learn the basics of options. Bonus 1 M odule 12-1 : Inside Days This is the One Trading Secret That Could Finally Make You Rich Im not going to make any promises about how much money youll make using this trading strategy (that very few people know about and even fewer people understand). Irsquoll only say that it could make you rich. How much money you make using it depends entirely on you This one, simple, easy to learn strategy for trading stocks, options, futures, forex or any other liquid investment is, in my opinion, one of the greatest trading strategies anyone can use to start making money in the markets . So What Are Inside Days An Inside Day is a day which has a lower high and a higher low than the previous day. Find out how to exploit these days for profit now Bonus 2 M odule 12-2. Extreme Trading Description: Watch this introduction to extreme Day Trading, and get ready for some really fast action excitement and profits Watch me buy and trade the extremes and learn how you can do the same while you watch Bonus 3 FREE IMMEDIATE ACCESS : GET STARTED RIGHT AWAY Your course on DVD will take a few days to arrive, but you wont have to wait until it does. Youll get immediate online access to the entire course so you can get started right away . Well be charging 67 for that in the future because of the bandwidth required to view all 42 videos online, but you get it for free if you order today. Heres What a Few of Our Members Are Saying comments used with permission quotIm Very Impressed with Your Videosquot I have to say that youre a very good teacher I had absolutely no knowledge about options, so I followed your advice and went to the optionseducation. org web site to get some basics before beginning your course. Im very impressed with your videos and the helpful info and tips youre giving. Im through module 4 and Im starting to get a good grasp of it. -) Ill let you know how it goes quotHow Come It Was Hidden From Me For So Longquot You are a good guy (what an understatement). I just reviewed the first part of strategy 1 in module 11. I cant believe I havent read about it in any of the trading books (and I have read many). This is so simple. How come it was hidden from me for so long Anyway, thanks for doing a great service for the trading community. God Bless. quotYour System Demystifies the Options Gamequot Its Dave Ward here we swapped a few emails lately through your site. Why am I writing Well Ive been thinking about your course a lot lately (in fact all the time) and how fantastic it is. Since I got your videos I havent stopped thinking about the massive potential for ordinary guys like me to make money with options. I finish work and Im reviewing your videos all night, Im reading stuff, researching, talking to people about it. I dont think Ive ever been this excited about any other opportunity I have come across. Your system demystifies the options game to a degree where almost anyone with good work ethic and willingness to learn can succeed. Im positive that your course could have a positive impact on thousands of not tens of thousands of people who are struggling both on and off the internet to make money just like me. I know you have a massive list and already partner with some of the big names in network in network marketing but if you are looking for someone down in the trenches so to speak to partner with to further get the message out about your course through and affiliate program or whatever I would really love to be involved. I hope you dont mind me being so forward Ive never written to anyone like this before but I have a good feeling about your course. I also know that that if you dont ask you dont get and that great opportunities dont come around very often so you need to grab them with both hands if they do. (Additional Testimonials Below ) You get 42 videos shipped to you on DVD so you can easily watch them at home on your computer You get the Core Training Program - 11 Modules that walk you step-by-step through the entire quotTrading as a Businessquot system You get the bonus Module which includes two High-Powered advanced strategies - quotInside Daysquot and quotExtreme Tradingquot You get immediate online access so you can get started right away You get a 7 page course guide and a 5 page report on the quotGreeksquot in PDF format Ok. so by now Im sure you realize just how powerful the quotExpert Option Tradingquot system is, and how it can dramatically change your life with all the additional income it will create for you . But, now youre probably wondering. How Much Is This Going To Set You Back Well, the real question you should be asking is how much is it worth to have an expert with over 23 years of stock and options trading experience take you by the hand and literally walk you step-by-step through the entire Expert Option Trading system Someone whos currently using the same system to generate an income that most people only dream about. Thats exactly what Ill do for you. What would it be worth for you to be able to look over my shoulder while I make my own trades The answer should be obvious. Its quotPricelessquot Remember, I reveal absolutely everything . All the tips, tricks, and strategies that allow me to make more money every month than many people make in a FULL year Heres the bottom line. Considering Im handing you the exact formula I use to generate a full-time yearly income every month . this system is easily worth 1997. And considering similar option trading courses are priced between 5,000 and 10,000, even 1997 would be a bargain. But dont worry, Im not going to charge you anywhere near that much. After much consideration, Ive decided to price the course very fairly at only 497. However, in light of the economy right now I wanted to make it affordable to everyone. So if you grab a copy today . You Get a Massive Discount For a VERY limited time only, you can literally steal the entire course from me at an almost insane 1997 . 497 . 197 But grab your copy now. this special price is only temporary and will be increased to 497 soon. possibly even before you get done reading this letter. And dont worry. Theres absolutely zero risk on your part because. Im shouldering all the risk (as I should) with a. 100 Iron Clad Unconditional Money-Back Guarantee. Go through the entire quotExpert Option Tradingquot system . Watch the videos, complete the training. and if at any time within 60 days youre not thoroughly convinced the course is worth twice what you paid for it, just send it back. Thats right. Take 60 days to check it out and, if for any reason. or no reason at all. youre not TOTALLY satisfied with the income producing power of these revolutionary strategies . send it back and Ill quickly refund every penny of your investment. It truly is risk free. So. If youd like a proven system capable of earning you a full-time income from home then take action right now . Get your hands on this program today. YES - Dave, I want you to give me the exact strategies and techniques I need to start making my living trading stock options. Send me the Expert Option Trading System: Trading as a Business Training Program A Total Value of 1,997 for ONLY 197.00 I understand I will receive 4 2 videos delivered to my door on DVD. I will also receive immediate online access to all 4 2 videos so I can get started right away . I also understand my investment is backed by your Iron-Clad 60-Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee . P. S. - Get instant access now before the price goes up. Remember, if you order today youll get the entire course for only 197. If you wait you may have to pay 497. P. P. S. - Dont forget, You can try it risk-free . With my 60-Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee . all the risk is on me. quotI Found This Program Phenomenalquot After reviewing the Course on DVD several times I found this program PHENOMENAL. I went LIVE on thinkorswim platform right away and I started to make good money already with small losses. I am doing spreads and adjustments and I am very excited. I thank you very very much. Sincerely, Tadeusz Przechodzki quotI Have Been Trading. And Making Moneyquot Yes, I have been trading. and making money I was aware of many of these types of trades, but was not very good at adjustments - until now. There are so many trading secrets, and you do a GREAT job teaching them. Thank you for sharing this awesome course and improving my trading. now I trade with confidence quotIve Been Very Un-successful in Trading Until I Found Your Videosquot Its coming along very well. I established an account with TDAmeritrade sometime ago, so I could trade on a daily basis. I already had the software but Ive been very un-successful in trading until I found your videos. I think your videos are really good for people like myself, Ive been looking for someone to show me the secrets to trading. My goal is to establish a second monthly income and build wealth. Im extremely excited about the videos. Thanks, James Sims quotSafe Reliable Way to Earn a Monthly Incomequot I have been trying to do stocks, forex, and options over the last 10 years or so and never found a safe reliable way to earn a monthly income from the money markets. That is until now This information is so logical it blows me away. Thanks for awakening my dream (the one that got crushed by the FX markets). Best Regards Kevin. R. Davies quotMoney Very Well Spentquot I appreciate these emails, I think they are great. This is a wonderful program. Money very well spent. I have been studying options for 7 months now and this is giving me far more information than anything else I have done. quotI Cant Believe What I Have Been Missingquot Tim, Thanks for the msg. I cant believe what I have been missing all this time. Makes me ill to think of all the money I have let slip through my fingers. Keep in touch, and Thank You. quotWhat a Great Systemquot What a great system i cant belive it. It is in front of you and you just cant see it. Thank you soo much, this will be a lot of fun after all my losses I had. Great work thank you so much. quotYour Program Is The Bestquot The videos are great. I invested in all types of books went to seminars on stocks and options and not one them ever made it so simple to invest in options. For years I have been looking on how to invest properly in the market like the big boys who constantly make money in all markets. The thing that is most mind boggling is your program is the best and I didnt have to pay 5,000 to get the information. I just want thank you for having an awesome product that didnt cost an arm and a leg and a few other body parts to obtain knowledge on trading options. Thank you, Ron Richardson quotLearned a LOT and Really Enjoyed Itquot I just wanted to say how much we enjoyed and learned from your videos. I shared this with my Father who is a retired M. I.T. mathematician and an active trader. We both learned a LOT and really enjoyed it. I have read over 100 books on trading and options and never learned as much as I did in your lessons. Best Regards, Jeff amp David Assael :) Los Angeles, CA Hi, I am extremely happy with your product. It is incredible value, something I did not get from other providers after speding upwards of 30,000 quotOver 1700 in Less Than a Dayquot By the way, purchased a 4 day option with AAPL at 379 got out at 388 (I know risky move, on a four day option) made over 1700 in less than a day. I know that this is not the norm, but definitely now see the value of Options trading. Once again, Thanks Richard Maciel quotI Feel More Confidentquot Hi. Ive really been enjoying the Expert Option Trading course. I am learning so much, and its gotten me excited about trading in the market again. The only difference is this time I feel more confident. quotThese Videos Are Brilliantquot I was unsure in the beginning but I got to say that these videos are brilliant. Best regards, Lorenz Sommerer quotExplanation of His System is Awesomequot Thanks for the follow up. Yes, Ive been using Thinkorswim for awhile now. Man, Daves explanation of of his system is awesome. Im learning alot. Again, Thanks Tim for checking up on me, Kimmakone Siharath quotService is Greatquot My videos arrived yesterday That was fast and am very happy. This quick service helps me trust you and Dave. When buying on-line I am always a bit leary but so far I am very happy with your products and service is great. Thanks, Randy Scheffel quotYour Customer Service is as Great as Your Coursequot Thanks a lot for your help and support and I must sat that your customer service is as great as your course. I sincerely appreciate. All the Best, and a Warm Greeting from a Remote Island, Thierry Pierre copy ExpertOptionTrading All rights reserved U. S. Government Required Disclaimer - Options trading has large potential rewards, but also large potential risk. You must be aware of the risks and be willing to accept them in order to invest in the options markets. Jangan berdagang dengan uang yang tidak bisa Anda rugi. This web site is neither a solicitation nor an offer to BuySell options. No representation is being made that any information you receive will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those discussed on this web site The past performance of any trading system or methodology is not necessarily indicative of future results. Please use common sense. This site and all contents are for educational purposes only. Please get the advice of a competent financial advisor before investing your money in any financial instrument. Additional Disclaimer: I strongly recommend that you consult with a licensed financial professional or therapist before using any information provided on this web site Any market data or commentary used on this page is for illustrative, educational, and creative expression purposes only. Although it may provide information relating to investment ideas and trading as a business, visual ideas or opportunities to buy or sell securities or options, you should not construe anything on this page as legal, tax, investment, financial or any other type of advice. If you do, its your own fault. Nothing contained on this page constitutes a solicitation, recommendation, promotion, endorsement, push or offer to buy or sell any security by anyone involved with this site Copyright 2010 by Expert Option Trading All rights reserved
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